If you have any unanswered questions please send an email to festival@nousklaeraudio.nl
Will there be lockers?
Yes! You can pre-order a locker here: https://nousklaer.eventsafe.eu/
Where is the first aid?
The first aid (EHBO in Dutch) is situated in the corridor between the Kathedraal and Beeldentuin. We will post a map of the festival area on our Instagram.
Please take care of yourself and each other.
How can I pay at the bar?
The event is PIN only, no cash and no hassle with coins.
Will there be food?
Yes! Our dear friends from Eurobrouwers will provide several options for dinner on the festival site. Please check our instagram page for updates.
When does Nous’klaer Festival take place?
The first edition of Nous’klaer Festival will take place on Saturday June the 28th.
Where does Nous’klaer Festival take place?
At Brutus (Keileweg 18, Rotterdam). Brutus is an Artist Driven Playground with a Sculpture Garden and 6000 square meters of exhibition space. See the location page for more information and how to get to the location by car of public transport.
How can I get the latest updates?
We’ll post all the latest info on our instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/nousklaer_audio/
Where can I find the timetable?
The timetable for Nous’klaer Festival will been announced on our Instagram page.
Is it possible to buy a ticket just for one concert?
As we are a festival, you can only buy a ticket for the full day.
Can I change or cancel my ticket?
If you cannot come anymore you can resell your ticket on TicketSwap.
Do I need to exchange my ticket for a wristband?
Yes. We will scan your ticket at the festival entrance, where you will get a festival wristband.